Virtual Inami, a virtual space condensing the town of Inami in Toyama Prefecture, exists on metaverse platforms such as VRChat/Cluster, and includes a museum, stores, lounges, and meeting rooms where people from inside and outside the town can interact with each other.
バーチャル井波に遊びに行くには、スマートフォン(※1)やパソコンがあればOK。より没入感のある体験をしたい人は、Meta Quest 2などのヘッドマウントディスプレイや、高性能なパソコンを用意しましょう。
All you need to play in Virtual Inami is a smartphone or a computer; for a more immersive experience, get a head-mounted display such as the Meta Quest 2 or a high-performance computer.
※1 iPhone X/Google Pixel 3相当以上の性能が必要